Brain Injury Specialist

Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services

I provide a comprehensive brain injury rehabiliation program. My program includes patient counseling in the psychological arena of the brain injury, family and other relationships, cognitive retraining in specific skills, cognitive rehabilitation integrating skills with psychological adjustment and lifestyle, vocational rehabilitation and integrated counseling for family members. [more...]

Counseling Services

Counseling services are a valuable part of restoring balance to a person's life. The foundation of counseling success is an interactive partnership between the client, the client's support group, and the counselor. [more...]

Biofeedback Services

Biofeedback Training is a multifaceted process wherein particular body functions are measured to determine if improvements are needed; 10-20 lessons of relaxation are learned and applied; counseling is given for psychological stress triggers; exercise is evaluated; and nutrition is evaluated. Anyone who participates in learning relaxation and control of important body functions can benefit by physical and mental heath. [more...]

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Disclaimer: The information posted on this web site is not medical advice and should not be taken as medical advice. Information posted on this web site is for information purposes only. To obtain medical advice, please consult with your physician or schedule an appointment where a complete, detailed history of your specific case may be obtained.